Monday, October 24, 2016

the story questions

1. hay una majer bonita  : there is very beautiful lady 

2. donde esta papa : where is your dad 

3. se llma maria : my name is maria 

4. maria tiene usa familly : maria  has one family 

5. donde estan mis hijos  : where are my kids 

6. mis hijos: my kids 

7. miria mire a sus hijos y mira el rio : she looks at the kids and she looks at the river 

8.   sus hijos se mueren : the kids are dead 

9.  in dia marie va a un rio : maria walks to the river

10. empuja a sus hulos en el rio. : she pushes the kids in the river


1. hay una mujer? {is there a lady } yes there is 

2. maria se va? {why does maria leaves } she leaves because she is poor inside 

3. que grita? {why does she shouts } she shouts because she is looking for her kids 

4. maria girta? {does maria shouts} yes 

5. por que maria vuelve al rio otra vez?{ why does maria go back to the river } to look for her kids 

6. ella tiene una familia?  {does she has a family} at first she did but not any more 

7. como se llma los hijos ? { what is the sons name } we do not  know the sons name 

8. adonde va maria ? {where did maria leave} the river 

9. maira llora ? { does maria cry} no 

10.  que gritan los hijos?   {why do the kids shout} there getting pushed into the river and there hungry and they want their dad.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Terry Starks
Spanish class
ms white
3rd block

My school experiences with what I have learned  about school elsewhere in the world have helped me have a different perspective what happens  around in the world and helped me have a different view on other countries. Over my years that I have been in school I have learned about class size, how classes have extremely large people or extremely small size people in a class room, I have learned about uniforms and how they have helped people not get bullied and laughed at and they make every body equal and identical. The class times in the school are very much different than other countries for example in america high schools  school start at 7:10 to 2:00 and in other countries like Spain their primary schools last from 9:00 to 12:00 and there is a break and students can go home and then they come back and it starts to 3:00 to 5:00. For me I would like the Spain time because it would help me get my work done faster and I would get the content faster and easier. One thing I would change in american high school is the discipline system because if somebody is bothering you and the other person wants to fight and if you do not want to but you have to both people will get in trouble  instead of one person and I would change that to the person who is bothering you would get in trouble.
Image result for other countries classrooms
Image result for american classrooms

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Se llama tj las classe primer blouque mates . se llmama profefssor rosa y la classe es abuiddo y consasda. Es a las siete diez. mi feelings are cansada chevere y tranquil y aburiddo. Dose bloque la classe marketing es aburrido bacan tonta y cansada , se llama el chico mulkey . Professor es tranquil and comica . El amigos aburiddo tranquill y consada. Es a  las ocho y cincuenta y un minutos. se llamas school peachtree ridge . thres bloque is espanol. professa es blanco no fea comica y tranquil y chevere. es amigos in la classe es quay tonta y a veces triste or cansada mi in la classe is bacan y cansada a veces aburiddo.  La classe es diez quarto ono for third bloque to start. La classe quatro bloque es historia es la professa se llama bishop professa aburiddo y indefrente. Mi in las classe es aburiddo es cansada indeifrente y tranquil, in la classe amigos es aburiddo cansada es indifrente es tonta y tranquil y bacan. Es la classe es largo mi comer in las classe. mi ama ala comere es amigos to. Mi suprendido when es profeser chica  gets enfada but amigos int he classe es comica y bacan. Es a las classe start at   Son las doce y media. La classe historia mats marketing veces espanol i do not like.